Media (Pictures and Videos)
2020 Pictures
2019 Pictures
Dave Lingle – You are free download and use these pictures electronically, just give Dave credit when you do. You can order prints and high resolution images from his website.
2017 Pictures
Dave Lingle – You are free download and use these pictures electronically, just give Dave credit when you do. You can order prints and high resolution images from his website.
2016 Pictures
Dave Lingle – You are free download and use these pictures electronically, just give Dave credit when you do. You can order prints and high resolution images from his website.
2015 Pictures
Dave Lingle – Dave was the guy with the fancy camera taking your pictures on the course. He has tagged many of the photos with your names. You are free download and use these pictures electronically, just give Dave credit when you do. You can order prints and high resolution images from his website.