Is The 100k Right For You?
Is the Beaverhead 100K the race for you?
The Goal of These Guidelines:
The safety and emotional well-being of all 100K runners, aid station volunteers, medical personnel, crew, family, and friends.
Prevent all race day unnecessary non-emergency drama that takes efforts away from real emergencies.
In the past we have had runners, and runner crew, family and friends that have caused unnecessary drama in non-emergency situations. Race management’s (Race Directors [RDs]) time during the race is fully filled with making sure all aspects of the race are running correctly (including tracking runners progress and safety). They do not have time or the mental energy to be conversing with worried crew, family, and friends over non-emergency issues (non-emergency examples: being pulled from the race after missing a cutoff, voluntarily dropping from the race, non-serious medical issues, issues associated with transportation back to the finish line, etc.). If a runner chooses to run, they must ensure that all crew, family, and friends are aware of the logistics of the race and what could happen if they have a medical emergency or must drop from the race. If a runner drops or misses a cutoff at some aid stations, they may not get back to the finish line until after midnight. Make sure your crew, family, and friends know this so they will not be worried and unnecessarily bother the RD’s.
THE BEAVERHEAD 100K IS HARD and takes special physical and mental preparation. It also takes a special mindset that the runner and crew must have. Runners must be both physically and mentally prepared to be successful on race day. Finishing the race is not the only component of being successful. A major component is how the runner, and their crew, family, and friends conduct themselves during the race.
Is the Beaverhead Endurance Runs 100K the race for you?
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if there is any chance you are not physically (fitness level or medical issue) able to cover a difficult trail (rocks, boulders, roots, steep, etc.) and maintain an average elevation above 8,000 ft for 20+ hours. If you are not physically prepared, you endanger yourself and others.
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if there is any chance you are not mentally able to cover a difficult trail (rocks, boulders, roots, steep, etc.) and maintain an average elevation above 8,000 ft for 20+ hours. If you are not mentally prepared, you endanger yourself and others. Mental unpreparedness is a root cause of the unnecessary drama that can draw resources away from emergencies.
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if you cannot BE PATIENT with our race volunteers and medical personnel.
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if your crew, family, and friends cannot BE PATIENT. In the past we have had runners, and runner crew, family and friends that have caused unnecessary drama in non-emergency situations. Race management’s (RDs) time during the race is fully filled with making sure all aspects of the race are running correctly (including tracking runners progress and safety). They do not have time or the mental energy to be conversing with worried crew, family, and friends over non-emergency issues (non-emergency examples: being pulled from the race after missing a cutoff, voluntarily dropping from the race, non-serious medical issues, issues associated with transportation back to the finish line, etc.). If a runner chooses to run, they must ensure that all crew, family, and friends are aware of the logistics of the race and what could happen if they have a medical emergency or must drop from the race. If a runner drops or misses a cutoff at some aid stations, they may not get back to the finish line until after midnight. Make sure your crew, family, and friends know this so they will not be worried and unnecessarily bother the RD’s. During emergency situations the on-course medical team will contact the finish line medical doctor and the RDs. The RDs will immediately contact the runners designated emergency contact (this is designated by the runner during registration). To adhere to HIPAA guidelines, the emergency contact will be the only person the RDs will communicate with. It is the runner’s responsibility to make sure your crew, family and friends have your emergency contact’s information and vice versa.
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if you have crew who contact race management when the live tracking is not functioning correctly. All runner aid station exit times are being inputted to the tracking app. Cell phone coverage along the course can be intermittently interrupted for reasons we cannot determine or control. For this reason, the data can be delayed.
The Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is NOT the race for you if your crew, family, and friends cannot politely interact with our runner tracking specialists at the finish line. We DO ALLOW your crew, family, and friends to approach the runner tracking table at the finish line to inquire about your last known location. The tracking table gets hourly updates from each aid station, so we can at least give them some tracking information. This data can also be delayed due to various circumstances, so please ask them to be patient.
If the Beaverhead Endurance Run 100K is not the race for you, please choose another event. We want all runners and their crew, family, and friends to have a great time. We recognize we do make mistakes. At the same time, we take our preparation very seriously. We spend a lot of time each year planning for every scenario. We learn and make changes based on our experiences each year. Please know any mistakes are not due to the lack of planning. The safety of each runner is important to us.
Thanks for your attention.
Beaverhead Endurance Runs Management